Here is the list of our publications on the matter. Comments and remarks are welcome (contact us at:!
Joanna Wegner, Farmers, collectors, managers: individual agents of the monastery of Apa Apollo in Bawit in the 7th–8th century, [in:] G. Hadji-Minaglou & F. Calament (eds.), Proceedings of the session Baouît (2008–2018): Panorama et perspectives. Rencontres de l’archéologie et des textes [Cahiers de la bibliothèque copte: Études coptes], forthcoming (pdf available upon request).
Marzena Wojtczak, Between heaven and earth: tensions between family’s ownership and rights of monastic communities in the light of Theodosian Code and legal practice of Late Antiquity, Studia Źródłoznawcze 17 (2018), forthcoming.
Ewa Wipszycka, The canons of the Council of Chalcedon concerning monks, Augustinianum 58 (2018), pp. 155–180.
Przemysław Piwowarczyk & Ewa Wipszycka, A monastic origin of the Nag Hammadi codices?, Adamantius 23 (2017), pp. 432–458.
Przemysław Piwowarczyk, Ostraka z Teb Zachodnich jako źródło do badań nad duchowością i wyobrażeniami religijnymi mnichów egipskich, Studia Źródłoznawcze 15 (2016), pp. 165–193.
Joanna Wegner, The Bawit Monastery of Apa Apollo in the Hermopolite nome and its relations with the “world outside”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 46 (2016), pp. 147–274.
Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo, ‘Loca haereticorum ad Alessandria dalla metà del V alla metà del VII secolo’
Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo, ‘Quand’è che lavoro e carità cominciarono a far parte della vita dei monaci egiziani?’
Izdebski A., Kanony z Nisibis, U schyłku starożytności. Studia Źródłoznawcze 13 (2014), pp. 101-132.